Canine Security Services

Canine Security Services

Constant provide relevant clients with specialised dog teams trained to search people, vehicles and buildings to safeguard your business premises.

Static Security Dogs

Static dog units are a visible and highly effective visual deterrent and can cut down on the manpower needed in static guarding alone.

Our General Purpose and Static Security Guard dogs are trained in article tracking, building searches, find and locate and handler protection, making them an unbeatable team on any assignment.

Drug Detection Dogs

Our highly trained drug detection dogs can be used for either passive or proactive assignments.

These units will identify the presence of illegal substances on premises or will simply act as a deterrent to potential drug use in establishments.

Explosive Detection Dogs

These explosive detection sniffer dogs receive specialist training on substances which make up the composition of explosives.

Our detection dogs undergo continuous training to ensure their results are at the highest level, whilst working discreetly to guarantee the public do not feel intimidated by the dog’s presence.

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